Harmony Island17 Jedi Council DAO Grant Application for $1 Million to Construct the Foundation of The Island17 Metaverse





Young people are the world's richest global resource, yet the most underdeveloped and underrepresented.  The world has big problems that require fresh imaginations to solve these pressing issues.  The good news is that in 2015, 193 of 195 countries in the world agreed to a set of goals set forth by the United Nations known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve by 2030. The Island17 Metaverse is the framework to find, fund, and launch the best ideas on the planet, driven by youth.

The Island17 Metaverse LLC is organized within Dream Tank, a 501c3 youth social enterprise entity addressing the United Nations’ SDGs.  The Island17 Metaverse is organized as a DAO on the Harmony platform utilizing Discord as the requisite communication tool needed to coordinate amongst the 17 ‘DAOs Within’ or ‘islands’ addressing the UN’s 17 SDGs.  In fact, one of our DAOs Within’ or in our DAO Stack, Harmony Environment, has already been submitted by one our Governors.

The Island17 Metaverse is being developed using the highly acclaimed Octalysis Gamification Framework created by Yu-Kai Chou, one of our advisors and collaborators, and inspired by his TedX Talk: Gamification to Improve our World, combined with collective impact investing and increased liquidity across generations, sectors, and economic levels, using the framework of the UN’s SDGs.  Employing Artificial Intelligence, a ‘Yoda-like’ mentor is being developed to guide the players on their journey.  The AI and game will be loaded with actual SDG-related data and datasets provided by different players and the community at large.

On the path to building the ISL17 native token, ExO Economy steward and Island17 DAO Governor, Niki Faldemolaei, bought an investment of EXOS tokens in December 2021. Thus, Island17 is actively trading EXOS as a utility token to empower our ‘Jedi’ Governors and other Island17 members to exchange services and fund event production to gain traction on Dream Tank’s years of experience with hackathons and youth initiatives. This engagement led to a relationship with the organization whose mission is to transform the world to a better future. The ExO Economy brought a community of 17,000 like-minded individuals and company leaders to the pool of talent and became a sister organization to Dream Tank and Island17.

One of the results of the sisterhood developed with Niki is the launch of the NextGEN Economy Podcast, where one of our governors, 16 year old Bonisha Maitra, was interviewed on International Women’s Day 2022:



Each of the SDGs is a moonshot goal for humanity, and humanity can’t achieve moonshot goals without the best imaginations. Enter youth under 30, the digital natives of our time.


We are creating a world where the ideas and imaginations of youth are championed and implemented in all sectors across the globe.  Our mission is to support actions related to the SDGs through youth-driven gaming, education through gamification, web3 and other frontier technologies, and social entrepreneurship.  We need to apply educational learning opportunities to ignite each student’s passion and apply these to the SDGs.  To date, neither the business, education nor NGO sectors have done this on a widespread scale.  Herein lies a significant business and social opportunity:  we must invest in and support the world’s best chance for a brighter future and a more progressive, socially and environmentally conscious society by including our future in our time of need by using emerging technologies that encourage engagement, creativity and education through gamification to solve humanity’s most pressing issues.